Electronic payroll data transmission (EPDT) is really very simple. Once you have set up the system, you will find your work getting more efficient and secure each year. Plus, it helps you to avoid unnecessary errors. All you have to do is:
Order your EPDT insurance profile
Your Generali contact will send you your EPDT insurance profile, including all data relevant to your policy. Your profile can be adjusted at any time in the event that your contract changes.
Set up your payroll accounting system
Set up your system in line with the Generali insurance profile. Add all groups of people, premium sums and maximum salary amounts, and assign a two-digit code to each employee – and you’re ready to process your payroll.
Prepare payroll accounting
Prepare your current payroll accounting as usual.
Transmit electronic payroll data
At the start of the year, simply send us your payroll data for the past calendar year online. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail with a link to a secure website. There you can review your information once again and confirm, correct or delete it as necessary. Once you have confirmed your declaration, you will receive your definitive statement for your daily sickness allowance and accident insurance.