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The right way to protect yourself against hail

In summer, hailstorms are not uncommon in Switzerland. During the warm season, it hails on an average of 33 days, mostly between June and August. In extreme cases, hailstones can be the size of a tennis ball and can damage cars, windows and roofs. The right behaviour before and during a hailstorm can prevent serious damage. You can read about how to do this here.

Get informed in good time

Prevention is essential when it comes to hailstorms. When large hailstones are already pelting down from the sky, it’s too late to take protective measures. The damage can be expensive. Thanks to storm warnings, you can take preventive measures to keep hail damage to a minimum. But remember: protecting yourself is always the top priority.



Beware of hail: make sure to get yourself to safety

If hail is approaching, make sure you protect yourself and your loved ones first. Take shelter in a building or a car. Do not go back outside until the hail has passed. Stay out of the basement and do not enter cellars or underground car parks. There is a danger that hailstones can block drains and sewers, causing large amounts of rainwater to enter the house.



How to protect your belongings against hail

If you receive a hailstorm warning, there is no time to lose. Secure your house, car and garden against possible hail damage:


How to protect your house against hail damage

  • Pull up all blinds, awnings and shutters. Close sunshades and fasten them securely.
  • Close all doors and windows. If a window breaks in a hailstorm, you can temporarily protect the interior from hail using your shutters.
  • Keep water drains clear at the cellar entrance and on balconies, decks, driveways and paths.
  • If your house is damaged during the hail, protect the affected area temporarily from water and wind to prevent further damage. However, under no circumstances should you put yourself in danger.


How to protect your vehicle against hail damage

  • Store your vehicle in the garage or park it under a hail-proof shelter.
  • If you are on the road, drive under a bridge.
  • If you are on the motorway, do not stop under any circumstances. If visibility is poor, leave the motorway at the next exit.


How to protect your garden against hail damage

  • Secure all loose items in the garden and cover your garden furniture. Also remember to secure your children’s toys. Hail is often accompanied by strong winds. A flying trampoline can be dangerous.
  • Place your potted plants under a hail-proof shelter and secure them, or bring the plants inside. If this is not possible, you can try protecting your plants with plastic film. Secure this protective film well.


Generali tip: If damage has occurred despite all precautionary measures, report it immediately to your motor, household or building insurance company and ask them to explain how to proceed. Depending on the extent of the damage, an assessment by a claims inspector may take place. Be sure to take photographs of the damage before cleaning up and create a list of the damaged items